
Panama City, Florida

So we left the Henderson's on Thursday and spent the day working our way towards Panama City, Florida. We went through Tarpin Springs which has the monkey farm. Four years ago when we came to Florida me and Dave visited the monkey farm and thought it would be fun to see if it was open to take the kids there. We were lucky enough and they got to see the monkeys. We also made another lucky find and couldn't pass up the wonderful key lime pie in Palm Harbor. When I say lucky I mean it, Dave couldn't remember where it was located and on a hunch we tried the phone book and believe it or not it was listed under Pies. They must be popular. We are now traveling with a key lime pie and eating it as we go! So yummy! We arrived at Panama City late thursday night and went straight to bed! We got up the next morning and took the kids down to the beach. Its amazing to watch Brody and Maggie just a year later at the beach and how much they have grown and changed. Maggie loved the water and played till her was covered in sand! Brayden not so much, he didn't like the water. No surprise he isn't a big liker of the pool either. It's on to New Orleans from here!


becki said...

hey dave, if you drive thru dallas give me a call, we'd LOVE to have you.
sounds like you're having a super fun filled trip-old mission stomping grounds-so great!

Stacy said...

You have to update us on how the rest of the trip went!! How was traveling with a baby?