
If you had 60 days to Live what would you Say

What would you say to everyone who knew you if you only had a few months to live. What Legacy would you leave behind??? I would say this Dr. summed it all up for us and pulled out a tear Jerker at the end. Misty and I both where touched and I wanted to share this with everyone I could. Please post a comment and let us know what you think P.S. Make sure you turn off the music


Ashcraft Adventures said...

I love these -live everyday to the fullest- talks. I forget sometimes to just chill out and enjoy each day! Not to worry about the house being clean or my kids outfits matching. He was so right when he talked about not being upset if you arent acheiving the dreams that you thought you would. I have realized that I now have more realistic dreams than I did when I was younger and each day I am helping my children achieve their own dreams. Which is so much more important to me! I love how he ended with mentioning that "when you live properly, the dreams will come to you". Thanks for the inspiration:)
We might be coming to utah memorial day weekend. Kev's brother is leaving on his mission and we wanted to be there for him. We'd love to see you guys again. Miss you guys!

Cynthia said...

I heard the guy on Oprah before and I enjoyed watching it. He is definitely leaving behind a great legacy!

Stacy said...

I had previously watched him on Oprah as well, and I thought that he had a lot of awsome things to say. Makes ya think!