Maggie came in crying because her hands were freezen
And Brody was right behind her. He ran to the bathroom to put his hands under some warm water. The thing with that solution is that it made his hands sting and hurt even more.
So they both just watched Dad finish up the master piece
so glad for the updates!!! your kids are adorable! congrats on pregnancy #4!!! that is 1 more than i am having! hope misty is feeling well! i cant believe they start hockey so young - but i bet he will be so good by the time he is in highschool!!! what good parents you are!
congrats on the snow. it's in the 60s today here in texas. tomorrow watch out for the 40's. lucky us.
wow you're more ambitious them me. I'm waiting for a ton of snow to dump and them 60 degree weather. Ya think that will happen???
hey dave! i just read your comment on my blog. that is crazy how you found us-it IS a small world! joey will be so surprised. i, of course, just flipped through your blog and you have an adorable family as well. joey will be home from work soon and i'll have to let him know. he'll be sending you an email soon i know! take care~ hoLLy
p.s. joey has his own blog too. it is at
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