
Kids first day of school

Here are the few pictures I captured before the kids headed off for there first day of preschool! Maggie wasn't too convinced that school would be a fun thing. She was really apprehensive about going when I dropped her off. Her teacher later told me that another little boy screamed the whole time and that he scared Maggie. Since that moment things have improved and she is liking school now. She has even made a little friend that she talks about when she comes home. I am loving the 3 days a week 2 1/2 hours I get to to spend with Brayden and accomplish lots of other tasks in the meantime! It's amazing how nice they can be when they come home after being at school too. So excited to see you and play too!


Jennifer said...

I love the shot of Brody just looking at Maggie cry. Enjoy your freedom!

Anonymous said...

Oh the sweet things they learn at school! Enjoy every minute of them being at home...it goes too fast.

Love, mom

Lindsey F. said...

How fun!! Are they in the same class?